属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚洲的兴衰 Boom and bust in Asia
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艾滋病的历史 英雄与狗熊
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艾滋病的历史 英雄与狗熊
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英雄与狗熊 人性的善与恶
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-细菌和行为学 肠道反应
1 | 谁来发票? | Who will dish out the tickets? | |
2 | 他能滔滔不绝地讲出熟记的招徕生意的话。 | He can dish out a memorized spiel | |
3 | 他说他将替我们付钱。 | He said he would dish out money for us | |
4 | 他喜欢没完没了地向他人提忠告。 | He likes to dish out good advice | |
5 | 我来为大家分马铃薯还是各位自便? | Shall I dish out the potatoes, or do you want to help yourselves? | |
6 | 我们什么时候发布这个重要的新闻稿? | When shall we dish out the important news release? | |
7 | 喜欢没完没了地提忠告 | Likes to dish out advice. | |
8 | 祖母叫我把色拉从大盘里舀给各人。 | Grandmother asked me to dish out the salad. | |
9 | ||1:然而,就某方面而言,Studwell 本人对经济成功的阐述确实和“华盛顿共识”有几分相似之处:他认为贫穷经济体可以把某些经过尝试和考验的政策当作短期方针,以实现自身的繁荣。||2:可经济学者们如今并不看好这种途径,已经把目光从政策转向了“体制”方面:因为无论政界高官支持何种政策,社会和政治方面的约束总是会让他们裹足不前。||3:很多作家都认为每个国家或地区的发展模式都是与众不同的,不愿意写书来阐述什么经济成功之道。 | ||1:But Mr Studwell’s own manifesto for economic success does resemble the Washington consensus in one respect: it holds that poor economies can prosper by following a short recipe of tried and tested policies.||2:This is now an unfashionable approach among economists, who have turned their attention from policies to “institutions”: the social and political constraints that weigh on ministers, whatever policies they avow.||3:Most authors shy away from prescriptions for success, arguing that every development dish is different. | |
10 | PEPFAR是两个富裕国家给贫穷国家在与艾滋病抗争上提供现金救济的主要组织之一,与环球基金(Global Fund)齐名。 | PEPFAR is one of the two main organisations, along with the Global Fund, that dish out the cash that rich countries give poor ones to combat AIDS. | |
11 | PEPFAR是两个富裕国家给贫穷国家在与艾滋病抗争上提供现金救济的主要组织之一,与环球基金齐名。 | PEPFAR is one of the two main organizations, along with the Global Fund, that dish out the cash that rich countries give poor ones to combat AIDS. | |
12 | PEPFAR是全球两大主要基金组织之一,它与全球基金(Global Fund)一道将发达国家的大量资金拨调给贫穷国家以对抗艾滋病。 | PEPFAR is one of the two main organisations, along with the Global Fund, that dish out the cash that rich countries give poor ones to combat AIDS. | |
13 | 一个让你自己在晚宴上不受欢迎的好方式就是,从微生物学家的角度指出,一位有代表性的人就是一个会走动并会说话的皮氏培养皿。 | A GOOD way to make yourself unpopular at dinner parties is to point out that a typical person is, from a microbiologist’s perspective, a walking, talking Petri dish. | |
14 | 而巴林则宣布将向受食品涨价冲击的家庭发放高达1亿美元的援助。 | Bahrain says it will dish out up to $100m to help families hit by food inflation. | |
15 | 紧接大选后选出的各州的州长里许多也都是缺乏其合理性的,而这些州长都要求中央政府将原油横财的积蓄拿出来派发。 | The state governors, many of whom also lack legitimacy following the election, want the central government to dish out oil-windfall savings. | |
16 | 女人对男上司的评价是“更坚强”、“更善于委派”,而且更能够经常性地给予称赞。 | Women rated men "tougher" , "better at delegation " and also more likely to regularly dish out praise. | |
17 | 皮克斯不仅创作了3D电影的杰作,他们还无意中透露出来真正有用的设计经验。 | Pixar doesn’t only create 3D film masterpieces, they unknowingly dish out really useful design lessons as well. | |
18 | 任何时候提到紧急救援问题,默克尔表现的都像哑剧演员一样不情愿掷出更多的钱。 | Whenever the question of bailouts is mentioned, Merkel acts out a pantomime of reluctance to dish out more cash. | |
19 | 三巨头已经开始抱怨要花很长时间才能支配这些优惠贷款,并且他们想要这个过程加快。 | The Big Three are already complaining that it will take too long to dish out the money, and they want the process speeded up. | |
20 | 塔利班在横跨南部的地区赶走了伊斯兰法庭的伊斯兰法官。 | Across the south, the Taliban dish out Islamic justice in sharia courts. | |
21 | 心理学家理查德本陶称精神病学家只顾开药却忽视了良好关系的价值 | The psychologist Richard Bentall says that psychiatrists dish out drugs but ignore the value of good relationships |